
Saturday, February 5, 2011

Light Bulbs Do NOT Taste Like Chocolate!!

I was 3 years old and playing with my friend Sally* in her room. Sally* was 2 years old at the time. While we were playing Barbies, she very adamently told me that Light Bulbs tasted like Chocolate.

I didn't believe her. It didn't make sense to me but she sounded very sure of herself. She told me she had licked a light bulb and it tasted like chocolate.

Soon, my mom came and picked me up from Sally's* house and we went home. I played with my Barbies in my play room for a while but then I remembered that Sally* told me about the chocolate flavored light bulbs. I wanted to see if she was right.

So I went to my bed and took off the lamp shade of my bed side table lamp. The lamp had been turned on for a while, but I didn't think anything of it. The concept of 'hot' and 'cold' were still vague in my mind and I didn't fully understand yet.

I slowly brought the lamp to my tongue and I licked the light bulb... effectively burning off my tastebuds. And it certainly did NOT  taste like chocolate!!

I started crying, my tongue hurting, and ran to my mommy. She asked me what was wrong and I told her I burned my tongue on a light bulb. Naturally, she asked me how I burned my tongue on a light bulb and I explained to her about the chocolate flavored light bulbs. She laughed and laughed and laughed. I couldn't taste anything for an entire week!


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